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Choosing and Using Statistics: A Biologist's Guide

Written By Dytham, Calvin
2003, Edition 2
Category: Biological Sciences
Level: Introductory

Blackwell Scientific Publications Ltd.
Osney Mead, Trading Estate Oxford
Oxford OX2 DEL
United Kingdom
URL: http://www.blackwellpublishing.com/
Phone: 01865-206-206
Fax: 01865-721-205

About This Book

This is a book for any student or professional biologist who wants to process data using a statistical package on the computer, to select appropriate methods, and extract the important information from the often confusing output that is produced. It is aimed primarily at undergraduates and masters students in the biological sciences who have to apply statistics in practical classes and projects. Such users of statistics do not have to understand either how tests work or how to do the calculations, and these aspects are not covered in the book

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